
What is telehealth?
Telehealth is using electronic communication to provide physical therapy information and services remotely.

If you are busy and want more time-efficient and less costly care, telehealth consultations may a great option to consider. This allows for flexible physical therapy care on your own time and from the convenience of your home or office. We will host a live video through an internet-connected device to substitute a physical therapy office visit.

How does it work?

  1. To start, email or contact our office to schedule a telehealth appointment.
  2. We’ll provide you instructions to download a specific app onto your iOS or Android device.
  3. Via the app software, we will complete your visit in a timely, efficient manner
  4. During your virtual visit, you will receive a thorough explanation on your condition and a customized plan of care from the comfort and convenience of your home or office.
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