Why pay cash for physical therapy services

Why Pay Cash for Physical Therapy Services?

Why pay for physical therapy services using cash rather than insurance? You work hard for your money and you're already paying for health insurance. Why shouldn't you use that? The main point is that the value of care received through cash-based models are generally much higher through patient-centered care rather than being dictated by the … Continue reading Why Pay Cash for Physical Therapy Services?

Mind Over Body: Lakers Fan Loses 170 Pounds in 2 Years!

This inspiring story has been circulating lately and it's amazing! Two years ago, Chris Huerta was not in the best physical condition and feeling down (tired of being overweight, friend's recent suicide, someone close to him jailed), he decided that he needed to make a change. Chris accredits his success to changing his mindset and … Continue reading Mind Over Body: Lakers Fan Loses 170 Pounds in 2 Years!